Minggu, 08 September 2013

Friends or Mirror

I always curious about what people think about me. I always love how they write something about me even just in few words. I've got some notes which tell about me on facebook. from my bestfriends, and my classmate, and these are the notes :

gw anak tunggal jelas pasti byk bgt orang yg gw andelin .orang pertama sih tetep mama .
untuk orang ke dua , gw akan bilang SCHADEN :
nde : gak ada nde gw gak les
dea : gak ada dea gw gak mau berenang
ika : gak ada ika gak ada yang ngerusakin compy gw + ngambil kunci kamar gw
gelda : gak ada gelda gak ada yang ngejmabak rambut gw
emil : gak ada emil gak ada yang bialng astagfirullahaladzim
tresya : gak ada dia gak jalan2 gw yang selalu ada duit cuman dia yang lain mah ......

(From : Ananda Gusti Utami, best friends since junior high school)

Gelda : Rame, nada ngomongnya kayak anak kecil, kalo lagi serius serem euyy..

(From : Ari Sri Wahyudi, classmate in senior high school )

 1.) IKA ARULITA Kalo dibanding sama yang lain gue memang ga terlalu banyak cerita ke Ika, but she still my bestfriend no matter what! Dia periang, rame, dia selalu buat suasana seru dan rame. Apalagi kalo udah digabungin sama Gandes dan Dea, tapi kalo mereka udah digabungin yang diomongin porno hahahaha. 

2.) GELDA SELLA MONIKA Deda ini yang paling hua (tulalit) diantara kita semua haha. Tapi kalo buat pelajaran dia pinter, dan dewasa sebenernya kalo kitanya serius sama dia. Hem....... Deda....... Anak ini punya banyak bakat menurut gue. Dia bisa musik, bisa nulis, masaknya juga jago, pinter pula. Dia punya keluarga yang seru dan asik menurut gue. Dia orang kaya yang sangat sederhana menurut gue dan sahabat2 gue yang lain. Ada satu kado yang kalo mau dinilai pake uang mungkin ga seberapa, tapi ini berarti banget buat gue, dia ngasih kumpulan beberapa tulisan, dia jilid dan dia kasih pas gue ulangtahun yang ke 17. Anak ini ceroboh, pelupa, lucu, bawel terkadang, tukang telat! Tapi dia sangat perhatian.  oya, cuek banget kalo pacaran haha

3.) RR. ANANDA GUSTI UTAMI PUTRI Ini dia......... Mulai darimana yah tentang sahabat gue yang ini haha. Gue dapet sosok yang cukup lengkap dari dia. Dia bisa jadi adek, kakak, sahabat, musuh juga kalo lagi iseng si ibu dokter ini bisa dibilang orang yang paling sering gue temuin dibanding ke5 sahabat gue yang lain haha. Gue paling sering nginep dirumah ni anak. Keluarganya sangat menyenangkan. 2 kali tahun baru gue bareng2 dia sama keluarganya. Dia orang pertama yang pacaran (really? i think I'm the first one hahahaa :P) dari kita semua haha cieeee kan dia ceplas ceplos. Kalo dia mau jadi sesuatu pasti die kejar mati2an! Males mandi!!! Kalo disuruh mandi entar2an bilangnya 5menit lagi tapi bisa sampe sejam ga mandi2 hahaha dia punya mama yang hebat. 

4.) GANDESMITA TRESNIANSI Menurut gue, Gandes adalah orang yang paling beruntung selain Gelda. Dia punya keluarga yang utuh, dia mau masuk komunikasi UI dan dia dapetin itu. Dia ga kekuarangan secara financial. Dia punya pacar yang sayang sama dia. So..... Apalagi yang kurang? Hehe. Dia dewasa, tapi ya itu porno kalo udah gabung sama Ika dan Dea haha. Dia rame, baik banget anaknya.

5.) NADIA PRATAMI Si mami Dea itu rame, dia orang yang aktif banget sama organisasi, rajin bener ikut2 beginian hahaha. Dea juga cukup dewasa. Lumayan sabar ngadepin kelamaan berfikir gue tentang fisika-_- hahaha

Pada dasarnya mereka semua berharga buat gue! Kalo baik itu standard yah hahaha tapi mereka ini beda. punya mereka itu kayak punya harta yang gabisa lo nilai pake harga, tapi mereka sangat berharga! Nahloh gimanatuh hahahaha. Mereka gaada yang paling penting atau ga terlalu penting, mereka semua punya caranya masing masing untuk ngebuat hari hari gue selalu bahagia

Gue sayang sekali sama mereka. Bahkan kalu disuruh pilih mereka atau pacar, gue akan lebih pilih mereka kaliya,mereka berarti banget buat gue! 

(From : Tresya Tessalonica Angeli, best friend since junior high school)

At the first I just collect it for fun, but somehow, it helps me to know more about myself although people always said that we know ourselves more than anyone in this world. True, but sometimes we need a mirror to see there's a stain on our face. :)

thank you for being my mirror, friends!

Beri-R-uang Mencari Penulis!!

Beri-R-uang adalah sebuah komunitas yang merupakan salah satu tempat berkarya yang unik, seru, dan menantang.

Akan ada lima orang yang bercerita mengenai kehidupan mereka di sebuah tempat yang bersama-sama mereka jaga. Mereka adalah Tana, Dean, Rafa, Noel, dan Alena. Akan banyak kisah-kisah menarik yang mereka bagi selama berada di tempat tersebut.

Tempat nya apa, kisahnya seperti apa? Nah hal tersebut yang akan dijadikan tantangan oleh sang 
 pemilik ruang untuk kalian semua yang merasa tertantang J

Jadi begini, beri-R-uang memberi ruang seluas-luasnya bagi kamu yang merasa bisa mengisi posisi sebagai Tana, Dean, Rafa, Noel, atau Alena untuk bergabung. Kamu yang terpilih berhak untuk menuliskan hasil karyamu di website Beri-R-uang untuk dinikmati oleh publik.

Selama mengisi posisi tersebut, kamu akan diberikan tantangan berupa ide cerita yang harus dikembangkan dalam bentuk diary masing-masing tokoh. Tantangan terbesarnya bukan hanya menulis cerita, tapi bagaimana setiap penulis bisa menghidupkan karakter masing-masing tokoh yang mereka perankan.

Bagi yang terpilih, berhak untuk menuliskan ceritanya dalam masa periode 2 bulan. Mereka bisa terpilih lagi atau digantikan tergantung dari hasil seleksi periode selanjutnya.
Tenang aja, semua hasil karya akan di publish atas nama pribadi sang penulis. Identitas penulispun akan kami pasang di web. Jadi nggak akan ada yang namanya penjiplakan karena identitas penulisnya jelas

Beri-R-uang memang tidak memberikan uang sebagai bayaran, web ini hanya memberi Ruang bagi para penulis yang ingin menunjukkan hasil karyanya. 

Karena pengakuan tidak selalu dengan uang, tapi ruang untuk berkarya 
Jadi segera daftarkan dirimu dan terima tantangannya!

Info lengkap :
follow twitter kami @BeriRuang
Facebook :  Beri Ruang

Selamat berkarya!

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

My Baby

Guys, I have a good news. I have a baby now :)

an hour ago, I kept scrolling down this blog to see what I've been written all this time. So funny when I realized that I've told you about many things in my life, but there were only few blogs which talk about my dream.

I remember that I've posted about my dream to study film making abroad. But somehow, I can't find that post. I don't remember if I deleted it or what.

Well, what I want to say now is... I'm 19 years old now. I'm a student of School of Business and Management ITB, and today is the first day in my second year.
There are lots of good and bad things that have been through during my college life. Fortunately, I just can remember the good things now. Why?

I know that I'm an idealist person that always try to catch my dream, no matter how hard it is.


I really know that I want to be a good director someday. I know that I want to have my own production house. I know that I want etc etc etc and etc..
well, a friend from SBM who worked for Jakarta Post have posted about me on that magazine. There, I tell everything about my dream and why I choose SBM as my college. so check this out :

I always think that SBM and ITB really help me to get closer with my dream. step by step, moment by moment, chance by chance, I'm walking to my dream. I swear I really thank to God because :

I have experienced to be the director in the first theater performance by my generation on STEMA (theater group in ITB),
become the stage manager + co.director for romance fantasy SBM Oddisey 2013, and also participated in its script idea,
and now get the chance to direct a small performance for STEMA again.

But the best of all is, I have my own production house, finally :)

I know that it's still nothing. It was born on January 17, 2013 and we don't have release any movie yet. But it doesn't mean we haven't done anything at all. We have had a trip to Green Canyon, one of the best place in Indonesia to make our first video for teaser of this production house.

And today, I'm preparing a business description and also our planning in the future. What for?
we are going to apply for a chance collaborating our business with a Singapore Institution!

Damn, I just think that I almost get my dream on hand!! well, I'm not really sure if we can get this chance, but it doesn't matter at all. If we fail, we can just keep it going just fine.

I believe that someday I can make all of my dreams come true.

no matter what will happen in the future, I will take care this baby with the fullest heart, with love and my passion. Promise :)

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Hey, you. I'm Gelda! wow, we are twin!!

Wanyyyyaaaaaaauw XD 
it's my first tweet for today. and yeah, like what I've tweeted, I have a nice trip today :) 
It was started when my friend, Abir, had a mistake when she top up the blitzcard and I had to go to Grand Indonesia to solve it. And this's my lonely journey..

Yeah, at the first, I had to take the blitzcard from Fathim. And we promised to meet on fly over (it sounds like we were 4L4Y haha). 

Okay, first, I want to tell you that Allah is really really the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Allah gave me a lot of easiness in this trip. What easiness?? check it out ..

the first easiness is when I had to meet Fathim on fly over, I didn't have to waaaait !! We arrived at the same time! God, thank you. :) 
After I got the card, I went to Stasiun Depok Baru and fortunatelly, after I bought the ticket, the train was ready to go. I didn't have to wait agaaain !! :D

I thought that it would be uncomfortable in the train. But I totally wrong. The train was good enough and I enjoyed the trip :) . 
I never went to Jakarta lonely (by public transportation)before, so I had a lill bit nervous. I didn't know the route and I never asked to my family. I just searched it on a blog 10 minutes before I left. I read that I've to go to Gambir, and transit to Harmony by transjakarta. When I would buy the ticket, they said that it had been an hour since the last bus arrived. the bus would arrive so late and I had to wait till 1 hour. but fortunatellyyyyy, 5 minutes after I bought the ticket, the bus was comiiiiiing hahahaha Thanks Lord XD

Like in the train, I enjoyed the bus. it was not too full and I got the seat. I finally arrived exactly in front of Plaza Indonesia... Hey, It makes me remember about when I went to Korean Embassy in Plaza Indonesia!! haha. (I maybe will post about it later) 

Wait... soo, who is my twin? why I use that tittle? Here the answer...

First thing I wanted to do was cleaned up my shoes! It was rain, and made my shoes full of dirt. I went to toilet and there was a stupid thing I've done -.-" (as usual)

it's the way to the toilet. yeah. I guess you also can't see that there is a mirror theeeere!! 

 I saw there was a way in the right, so I walked confidently to the right. there was someone in front of me, so I tried to avoid her and keep walked calmly, and... OUCH!!

Oh My... It's a mirroooooor!!!! and the one in front of me was none but me! ah....
the mirror in the place like this will not be visible you knoow! Y,Y 
there was a man and he kept laugh quietly! -,- I thought that's okay, just one who looked at me. But the truth is, there was also a cleaning service behind me, and she hid her laugh and tried to keep smile to me and said "silahkan, SEBELAH SINI MBAK" 

HAHHH... okay, forget it

After cleaned up my shoes, I walked around the plaza to find blitzmegaplex. It's not like a Mall, I think Plaza Indonesia just like a Gallery. really uncomfortable, too stiff, and soo quiet. It took maybe 30 minutes and I still couldnt find the cinema. I looked at the map, and Index, there's no Blitzmegaplex. I've tried to ask Abiir, she didn't answer. And I finally realized.. It's Plaza Indonesia wooy, and where I wanted to go is Grand Indonesiaaaa!! -__-

Okay, Finally, after some random and wasting time journey (halah) in Plaza Indonesia, I arrived at Blitzmegaplex and completed what I had to do quickly.

There was no special when I back. But I got some help from a man who looked at me when I seem like so confused with the route. I almost lost if he didn't asked me where I wanted to go. Thank you :) I even didn't ask anything to him but he helped me.

Ah, and also, there was a man who told me the right gate when I was waiting for the wrong bus in another gate. He was in the same bus with me before.Maybe he heard when I asked someone how to go to Gambir. Thank youuuu :)

When I told My Mom that I had a trip to Jakarta lonely, My mother said, "mungkin sekarang mulus-mulus aja, tapi kan kamu nggak tau bahaya yang mengintai di Jakarta"

Okay, I know that's a big true! But It's still my country, still my world, and Allah can see and protect me in everywhere. for many people, it's not something. but for my Mom, it's like a big mistake. -___-"

But one thing I know from this day, there's still many kind people in Jakarta. 
Gyahahahaha... sounds like I come from a countryside. hahaha... (well, Depok is..? LOL)

but truly, I dont really like Jakarta, it's too wide!!

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Syahrini - Justin Bieber

Okay, actually I'm totally speechless when I saw #IhateSYAHRINI and Syahrini is A Random Singer on trending topic. At the first, I just laughed and wondered about what actually she has done. I opened that topic and saw this (random) thing...

I found it. Oh my God, it's still about JUSTIN BIEBER???? Meeeeen.... 
I was curious what did Syahrini said that made Indonesian beliebers did it to her. I opened her account and just found this words :


no matter if Justin bieber really said something bad about Indonesia or not, Isn't that good if you remind someone to apologize for mistake he/she has done? In this case, Syahrini just know from media that Bieber really did it. So, It really does make a sense if she said like that. 

If bieber didnt do that, thats okay!!! it doesnt mean that what syahrini said isnt good, right? 

I also dont like about this news for sure --> http://www.tabloidbintang.com/barat/ulah/53420-justin-bieber-melecehkan-indonesia.html

now, I want you to compare it with this one --> http://www.tabloidbintang.com/barat/ulah/53570-justin-bieber-bantah-lecehkan-indonesia.html
and this ..

No one who knows the truth! people just believe what they want to believe, or.. what they see, and hear.

And in this post, I dont want to find who is right, okay !! 
I just concerned about what's going on with Indonesian people. Do you want to fight each other just because your Idol? It's a BIG mistake!
If you really love your Idol , make them become your inspiration to do something good so you can make them as the (real) best Idol as you want.

Do you still remember this lyric ? :)

Pergilah sedih
Pergilah resah
Jauhkanlah aku dari
Salah prasangka

Pergilah gundah
Jauhkan resah
Lihat segalanya lebih dekat
Dan kau bisa menilai lebih bijaksana

Mengapa bintang bersinar
Mengapa air mengalir
Mengapa dunia berputar
Lihat segalanya lebih dekat
Dan kau akan mengerti

Come on ya'll be open minded please!